An Invitation: Show Me Your Wounds

Sr. Meg Cole, SSJ, MS, LMFT

Consultant to the VIRTUS® Programs

Over the years, there have been many theatrical renditions in multimedia about the life of Jesus. Television, movieHand of Jesus and music directors have offered their interpretation of how the holiness of Jesus influenced the lives of ancient times, as well as the impact of the ongoing love and mercy of Jesus in our lives today. Whether it be The Passion, Godspell, or the most recent Son of God, one theme that is always dominant is that of Jesus as healer. How many of us ache to have Jesus the Healer bring His curing balm to our wounds? How often do we identify with the many wounded souls of the Gospels? We can feel similar to the people in the Gospel who cry out for Jesus to approach us. We all need a healing dose of Jesus.

 The sentimentality of these shows is often highlighted by the music, which can be at times rather intense, and at other times so stirring that it touches a depth within our injured hearts. One such song that has seeped into me in my ministry of bringing a healing response to the wound of the sexual abuse crisis in our Catholic Church is the song "When Love Sees you" (from the movie The Story: Mac Powell). To hear the invitation of Jesus as He sings this song, to me, to you, to our wounded Church, is more stirring than any song I have heard before. The refrain invites us with the following lyrics: 

Tell me your story
Show me your wounds
And I'll show you what loves sees
When love looks at you
Hand me the pieces
Broken and bruised
And I'll show you what loves sees
When love sees you

What is important here, I think, is that within this song, the character of Jesus says, "Hand me the pieces." For in that invitation is the promise of being made whole. And in Jesus' request is the implied message: "there is nothing I cannot do for you to make it better" and "I am the remedy."

The acknowledgement from Jesus, that He can manage looking at the wound that we carry, the wound that is the sexual abuse crisis of our Catholic Church, can be moving and overwhelming. It seems Jesus is longing to let us know He is curious and interested in what we are hurting from, and He is saying "Hand it to me!" 

What is the story you would tell Jesus and the wounded piece you would surrender into His Heart? What piece of the sexual abuse crisis would you place in the wounded hand of the Risen Christ for His observation? Maybe it is the broken heart of being sexually abused by a priest, sister, teacher or staff person you had trusted and respected. Maybe it is the piece of the abuse crisis that makes it impossible for you to go to Church. Maybe it is the fact that the identified offender did not abuse you, but was your friend, and now is someone you cannot believe you thought you once knew. Maybe you would hand Jesus your sense of no longer being able to trust anyone. 

Hand Jesus the pieces of the sexual abuse crisis that have most wounded and bruised you, so that you can receive the healing and peace that only Jesus can give. By doing this, your healing will bring others healing, will bring the Church healing. And hopefully the hurt will continue to disappear as we will be able to see what love sees. Now and forever, Amen.

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